Frequently Asked Questions

Why is Argan 3 Oil so high value?

Taken from scientific research from Jerusalem University published in 2001, "the aroma, flavor, oxidative stability and health benefits might compensate for the high cost of argan oil."

"This oil is rare in the world and an invaluable product. Requests for the oil are increasing yearly. The extraction is one of the longest and most painful tasks to carry out. The women who are doing this work, call for a better salary and fair living and working conditions."

Its manufacture is a strictly family activity, not even a small-scale production by craftsmen. It is a major source of income for the local population where the argan trees grow. Each family progressively extracts the quantities according to its needs.These are some of the reasons why it's price is so high, even for Moroccans.

Are Argan 3 Products safe?

Yes! The argan oil that we distribute is accepted by Canada Border Services Agency, American Customs Agency, Canadian Food Inspection Agency and Health Canada. For each importation, our products are certified (certificat d'origine) and inspected (inspection certificate) by the Établissement autonome de contrôle et de coordination des exportations du Royaume du Maroc (Kingdom of Morocco).

What make so unique Argan 3 products?

The argan tree provides cosmetic, seasoning and salad dressing oil. This ingredient has been sought for years by chefs and top gourmets for it's delicacy, and by beauty addicts for it's valuable benefits and many uses.

Argan is rich in Vitamin E and Oleic-linoleic fat. It contains approximately 80% of unsaturated fatty acids. According to scientific studies, the content of these acids reduce cholesterol and the risks of myocardial infarction (heart attack). It also aids active brain development and can help to prevent certain respiratory diseases (studies of Dr Zoubida Charrouf, Morocco).

Links of interest

Books (French only)

  • CABRÉ Monique, L’Huile d’Argan, Éditions Aubanel- Minerva , Genève, 2007, 152 p

  • CHARROUF Zoubida, Serge DUBÉ et Dominique GUILLAUME,      L’arganier et l’huile d’ argane, Éditions Glyphe, Paris, 2011, 180 p

  • SANSCHAGRIN Dali, De toute Beauté!, Éditions Art Global, Montréal, 2009, 254 p

  • WILSON Melinda, Les Huiles Essentielles, Éditions Fides, Montréal, 2010, 191 p